Thursday, April 11, 2013

What chance does Rand stand?

It's no secret that the Republican Party needs a face-lift. If they go on just like 2012 without changing, they will be the perpetual minority party, ironically. I say that because it is the demographics that are the Republicans' real problem. They've lost Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Women, Jewish people, young people, religions other than Christianity, and white people in cities. People are just tired of the sly, filthy-stinking-rich Republican party of Mitt Romney, too.

(People are tired of the party because it's as rich and white as a cheesecake.)

Is Rand Paul the answer? For those of you who have been living in the Sahara desert for the past year, Rand Paul is a Republican senator from Kentucky. While the mainstream republicans are fiscally conservative, socially conservative (but changing), and generally work toward a larger government, Rand Paul is socially conservative, fiscally conservative, and works toward a smaller government. That small-government, libertarian streak in him makes him appealing to more demographics than the establishment Republicans like Romney. 

Rand Paul made national noise a few weeks ago when he spoke for 13 hours to filibuster Obama's CIA director nomination and drone policy. He's been making what seem to be pre-election work lately, and many are whispering of a 2016 Paul-Clinton showdown. I can confirm that Rand Paul will make a presidential bid in 2016, because since his filibuster, he has been to South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa. What would Rand run on?

The Issues


Rand has historically been against all abortion, everywhere at any time, but now he has revised his stance to permitting it when the mother's life is threatened and things of that nature. 


Of course Rand is against droning of US citizens, he has said that droning is sometimes necessary.

The Economy

Rand is most upset about the debt. He repeatedly states that borrowing $50,000 per second is not sustainable. He advocates rolling spending back to 2008 levels. Rand wants to lower taxes and end the Federal Reserve.

Marriage Equality

Rand supports a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. This goes against his "liberty" mantra, obviously.


In 2010, Rand said that the EPA should not regulate carbon emissions.

Foreign Policy

Rand thinks that the US should exit the UN and stay out of wars.

Gun Control

For Rand Paul, gun control is not an option.

"Come at me, Chris. Come at me."

In my opinion, Rand Paul is not electable as it stands. His positions are just too extreme for the moderates and liberals to even ponder.He has already started to appear on news networks and reel himself in, though. Recently, he changed his positions on drones and abortion from absolute to more reasonable.

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